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Almond Meal 100g

Supplier: Freazy Goods

Almond meal is made from almonds. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various culinary applications.

* Gluten-Free Baking: Use it as a substitute for traditional wheat flour in recipes for cookies, cakes & muffins.

* Breading and Coating: Use it as a gluten-free alternative to breadcrumbs. It's a nutritious and flavourful coating for proteins such as chicken, fish or vegetables. It creates a crunchy texture when baked or fried.

* Smoothies and Oatmeal: Add it to smoothies or oatmeal for an extra boost of protein, healthy fats and a nutty flavour.

Pie Crusts: It can be used as a base for pie crusts, especially in recipes where a nutty flavour complements the filling. Almond meal crusts work well with both sweet and savoury pies, adding a delicious twist to traditional crusts.

* Thickening Agent in Soups and Sauces: Use it as a thickening agent in soups, stews, and sauces. Its helps to add body and thickness to dishes without using wheat flour.

Remember that it has a distinct flavour and may not be suitable for all recipes. Experimenting with small quantities in different dishes will help you discover the best uses for almond meal in your cooking.

* No additives - 100% Almonds * Allergens: TREE NUTS 


Cucumber Mini/snack 100g

Supplier: Kalahari Greens


Apart from being a delicious and refreshing snack, cucumbers are low in calories and contain many important vitamins and minerals as well as fibre and it has a high water content. A few of the many potential health benefits include weight loss, balanced hydration, digestive regularity and lower blood sugar levels.

* subject to availability *


Microgreens, Rainbow Mix 40g

Supplier: Aqua Grow

Local Product -  * ON SPECIAL THIS WEEK *

A vibrant mix of young vegetable greens that pack a potent nutritional punch. These tiny powerhouses boast high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants promoting overall health and vitality. Their diverse flavours, from tangy to earthy enhance any dish or meal while delivering a powerful health punch, making them a delicious and nutritious addition to any diet.

Add to salads, sprinkle atop sandwiches for a crunchy kick, or blend into smoothies for an extra health boost.



Mulberry Jam 500g - 50% Sugar

Supplier: Olifantwater West

Certified Organic Farm

Certified Organic Fruit, Sugar 50%

Ingredients: Mulberries, Sugar, Citric Acid & Gelatine


Onions, RED 1kg - Medium

Supplier: Organic Box

Flag of Namibia Heart Digital Art by Roy Pedersen Local Farm Product

Red Onions are rich in antioxidants like quercetin which may reduce inflammation and lower heart disease risk. Additionally, they contain allicin which has antibacterial as well as antiviral properties aiding in immune function. Red onions also boast prebiotic fibers that support gut health and may help regulate blood sugar levels.


Potatoes, Unwashed 1kg

Supplier: Kalahari Greens

Local Farm Produce

Freshly harvested potatoes



Raspberries, Frozen 250g

Supplier: Okasewa Organics

Raspberries are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Raspberries are easy to add to your diet and make a tasty addition to breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert.

* Certified Organic * * this product is frozen *


Soup, Spicy Cumin, Leek & Potato 500ml

Supplier: DELISH

Home made Product

This soup is for the spice lovers... it warms up your heart as well as your tummy. 
Ingredients: Potatoes, leeks, onions, cumin seeds and chilli flakes


Turmeric, Fresh - ±150g

Supplier: Organic Box

Local Farm Produce

Turmeric and especially its most active compound, curcumin have many scientifically proven health benefits. The most effective way to take turmeric is with a liquid, such as in liquid shot form or even blended within a drink or smoothie.

* Naturally grown *
